Can anyone register a .ie domain name?
YesAre Individual .ie domain registrations allowed?
YesCompany or legal entities registrations allowed for .ie?
YesAre there requirements, documents, or information needed for .ie?
Irish Limited and Non Limited companies must provide their company registration number and a valid passport number of the contact person.
Foreign companies can register if they currently do business in Ireland or have a trademark. If you are a foreign company, provide the following information:
1. Copy of certificate of incorporation.
2. Information that shows your connection to Ireland. Examples of acceptable documentation demonstrating substantial trade or commercial activity within Ireland are as follows:
i. Copies of invoices (showing trade to or from Ireland).
ii. High-quality brochures
iii. A signed letter on company letter head from a bank manager, firm of chartered accountant(s) registered auditor(s), tax consultant(s) (where the tax advisor identification number is displayed), or solicitor(s) confirming the applicants trade with Ireland.
iv. Community Trade Mark (CTM)
3. A signed statement on company letter head from your company outlining your claim on the proposed domain name.
Individuals: Provide Irish or UK passport or driver's license, birth certificate, or utility bill. it is not possible to register your surname or first name only; it is not possible to register nicknames. Dashes are acceptable.
YesAre some .ie domain names restricted?
NoDoes .ie domain have a special use?
NoOther information I need to know about .ie?
cpr144449003101NoAre there any additional fees for .ie?
YesDo I need a trademark/brand name to register .ie?
NoWHOIS Privacy service available? Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?
Don't Have All of These Requirements for Ireland .ie? Our trustee service provides the required local contact information. Note: Registration for 2 years may be required on some extensions.
Available at Checkout
.ie Trustee / Proxy Fee: per
.ie Trustee / Proxy Setup Fee: