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.cx FAQ

What name can I register?

The Registrant will not, directly or indirectly, through registration or use of the .cx Domain name or otherwise:

(a) register a .cx Domain name for the purpose of unlawfully diverting trade from another business or website;

(b) deliberately register as a .cx Domain name misspellings of another entity's personal, company or brand name or cpr144449003101 confusingly similar Domain name(s) in order to pass-off or trade on the business, goodwill or reputation of another;

(c) grant or purport to grant a security interest or other encumbrance on or over the .cx Domain name unless such security interest or other encumbrance does not exceed the limited rights of the Registrant in the .cx Domain name, does not impair the Registrant's ability to fulfil the Registrant's obligations under this Agreement, and does not impose obligations on the CiiA beyond the obligations owed by the CiiA to a registrant in the absence of such a security interest or encumbrance;