Industry Leading Features
The feature rich SearchFit shopping cart creates more opportunities for you to increase order sizes and engage with customers.
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Features - Product
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Dynamic Product Filters
Improve website usability and convenience.
Dynamic product filters allows your customers to narrow down the viewable products to match specific characteristics they are looking for on your store. For example. Customers will be able to view only products of a certain color, size, material, brand, or cost. This gives your customers the ability to find what they are looking for more efficiently.

Dependent Product Options
Got Options with Options?
Your customers will be able to choose only the combination of options which you would like to present. Dependent options also gives customers the ability to purchase a highly customized product. Each available combination of dependent product options can use SearchFit's inventory control system. This powerful capability allows you to prevent ordering option combinations that are out of stock.

Intelligent Product Groups
Automatically add a product display to your site which contains only products that match a specific set of criteria.
For example, add a product display to your home page that automatically lists your best selling products. SearchFit includes the following Intelligent Product Group types: Customers Also Bought Recently View Products Best Selling Products By Quantity Best Selling Products By Revenue Best Selling Products By Profit Most Recent Products Top Ranked Products / Best Customer Rating Most Ranked Products Most Profitable Products Products on Sale

Advanced Image Galleries
Image galleries help increase your website conversion rate in different ways.
Having a great image display makes customers excited about your products and can give them the emotional push they need to make a buying decision. Image galleries also help customers explore your product. Customers can see the products in different angles and situation, giving them a more realistic perception of the product. This helps give customers the details about the product they need in order to make a buying decision.

Related Products
Create a More Informative Product Page with Related Products.
Give your customers more opportunity to find what they need by showing them Related Products on the product page. You can easily import Related Products, group them and show them in the best way possible in SearchFit. You can group them as straightforward Related Products, or group them as product accessories to the main product. Then show both of these groups in different ways to make the product page more appealing and informative.

Automatic Inventory Updates
Set Your Cart to Fetch Inventory Automatically.
The Automatic Inventory Update feature allows you to set the cart to fetch an inventory file from an ftp location and set the frequency of its fetches. This eliminates manually updating inventory and creates more time for you and your team to service your customers.