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.ru FAQ

Can anyone register a .ru domain name?

YesAre Individual .ru domain registrations allowed?

YesCompany or legal entities registrations allowed for .ru?

YesAre there requirements, documents, or information needed for .ru?

Companies in Russia: Provide ИНН и КПП numbers. Individuals:Passport or Government issued ID number, issued authority, issue date and date of birth. Foreign companies – proof of identity of owner may be requested by the registry, either copy of ID or company registration.

YesAre some .ru domain names restricted?

Stop-list maintained by the coordinator and contains symbols that are not allowed to register as domain names, because they use the word, contrary to the public interest and the principles of humanity and morality (in particular, obscenities, or inhumane acts that offend human dignity or religious feelings, etc.). Public access to information on the presence of a sign on the stop list is carried out through the service WHOIS.

NoDoes .ru domain have a special use?

NoOther information I need to know about .ru?

NoAre there any cpr144449003101 additional fees for .ru?

NoDo I need a trademark/brand name to register .ru?

NoWHOIS Privacy service available? Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?

Don't Have All of These Requirements for Russia .ru? Our trustee service provides the required local contact information. Note: Registration for 2 years may be required on some extensions.

Available at Checkout

.ru Trustee / Proxy Fee: per
.ru Trustee / Proxy Setup Fee: