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What name can I register?

RU version:
EN version:

3.1.3 Whereas the Registrar may not refuse to register the selected by the Registrant domain name on the grounds not provided for by the present Terms and conditions, the Registrant (Administrator) shall be held responsible on his own for selection of the domain name and possible infringements of the third parties' rights in relation to selection and usage of the domain name. As well, the Registrant shall bear the risk of losses associated with such infringements.

In the event the third parties bring a law suit against the Registrar (Coordinator) in connection with registration or usage of the domain name by the Administrator, the cpr144449003101 Administrator is bound, on their request, to reimburse the Registrar (Coordinator's) losses (including legal assistance and legal representation costs) incurred by the Registrar or Coordinator in conjunction with this lawsuit.

3.1.4. In order to prevent any prospective infringements, the Registrant is recommended, to ensure, prior to submission of his/her application, that there are no trade marks, brand names, and another objects of intellectual property, names of nonprofit organizations and government bodies similar to the domain name submitted for registration

3.1.5. The Registrant may not register domain names, which include words contradicting public interests, the principles of humanity or morality (in particular, words of obscene content, slogans of antihuman character, which insult human dignity or religious feelings, among others).

3.2.3. Whereas the registration system employs automated application processing tools, the Registrar has no technical possibility to exercise total screening of selected by the Registrant domain names for compliance with clause 3.1.3 of the present Terms and Conditions. However, upon a random screening the Registrar shall have the right to refuse registration of a domain name in the event it uses words contrary to public interests, principles of humanity or morality (in particular, words of obscene content, slogans of antihuman character, which insult human dignity or religious feelings, among others). At the same time, concurrently with the refusal of domain name registration, the Registrar shall have the right to dispatch a notification to the Coordinator to take a decision on entering the said denomination into the stop list.