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What name can I register?

There is no restriction for the domain name to match the company or its trademarks. There is no restriction for generic dictionary names, and these can be registered under any .pk name, unless precluded by some other clause of this agreement.

The party requesting registration of this name certifies that, to her/his knowledge, the use of this name does not violate trademark or other statues.

Certain words that are deemed derogatory, or offensive will be not be permitted in a domain name. The list of these words is provided by PKNIC Advisory Group members, and may be amended from time to time by PKNIC that, in its discretion, reflect the local community standards.

Any domain name whose commonly understood usage results in an obvious attempt at significantly conveying hate, or derogatory material against any religion, person, living or dead, city or a sovereign entity, or a public office, title or any branch of Government of Pakistan, will be subject to de-activation and deletion. Any such action about a domain name shall be taken cpr144449003101 by PKNIC on the recommendation of its Advisory Group members, provided that the name of the targeted person, entity, or religion etc is a part of the domain name. If the name of the domain is not questionable in this way, PKNIC shall not examine or take into account the contents of any web site associated with a domain name.

If a domain name unambiguously matches the name of a famous person of Pakistan, whereas that person has been mentioned in the news media for no less than ten instances (referred to as "Famous Person" here), such domain name will require a "No Objection" clearance from the Famous Person, when PKNIC is notified of the existence such a domain name, by any interested party.